Monday, December 13, 2004


"C.S. Lewis wrote, 'Forgiveness goes beyond human fairness;it is pardoning those things that can't readily be pardoned at all'(2)
This is why it is always costly to forgive; we have to sacrifice our pride, our self-pity and our desire for justice. Our culture places tremendous stress on doing all we can to maintain our rights. When we forgive we are laying down our right to justice and our desire for revenge."(1)

(1) Nicky & Sils Lee The Marriage book, Alpha international publications 2002 p.174
(2) C.S.Lewis The Four Loves : Fount , Harper Collins religious 1998 p.116

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on Mike. Forgiveness has such a power in it that if released sets us free. I met a man in Norway this past weekend who was so bitter and twisted just because he refused to forgive someone. He'd even begun to turn it all on to God. Tragic.