Monday, December 06, 2004

...that first feeling

My four year old daughter sat quiet and sombre in the back of the car all
the way to the party. An occasional sob could be heard too followed by an
under-the-breath declaration "I really love that video". This was my
daughters first viewing of E.T. the extra terrestrial. It struck me how my
daughter has been changing. All tears over the last years have been
attributed to pain, or hunger or an 'I want' but can't have. But this was a
different, new emotion. She had empathy with the little ugly alien.
At what point in our Christian lives to we mature from a self-centred God
dependant relationship to a God centred relationship. Feeling emotion
birthed in His spirit not our needs.
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things
will be added to you also". I think true worship is our 'E.T' experience.
We focus on His glory, His wonder, His plans and goals. He then becomes
our source to draw upon that satisfies all our needs.

Other great first feelings:
The first time I brought my wind-surf board up onto the plane. Wow
The first time I came through a 'duck' during a caving trip.
The first time I got my cable stuck whilst going through a 'duck'
during a caving trip.
The first time I gave my life to Christ Jesus. He hit me with rocket
fuel !!
When I crashed my motorbike at 80mph and thought I might die.
The first time during worship at the 'Dales bible week' with
thousands of Christians worshipping God. Felt so small and so big at the
same time.
Falling in love.
The first time I stopped a squadron of armoured tanks with only the
authority of my uniform. (that taught me something about acting in Gods
strength , not our own).
My first SCUBA dive.

(what is a duck -- when the cave passage dips down briefly and is
completely submerged in water)

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