Sunday, June 18, 2006


Having recently sat and successfully passed the viva for my MRes I can say how great it is to have completed what I began.
This simple saying I have heard repeatedly over the years from Keri Jones. I would often re-hear it to myself during the long nights of thesis writing. "Finish what you started".
The feeling of satisfaction that I now feel is not unlike that which I would get having eaten a full 360 of Jalapeno pizza along with a cool beer.

I thank my lecturers at the IDGS, Swansea Universities school of materials. I thank Dr S Brown for his time as academic supervisor. And Dr Foularis for his efficiency and motivational skills.
I thank Corus for the opportunity.
I thank my loving wife Jayne for her forbearance during those last few weeks of editing.


Cameron said...

It's a great motto: finish what you start. You have most certainly earned a Jalepeno Pizza (great choice by the way).
Mucho Bendigas!

Ben said...

Great work. Your post is good motivation for me. I'm working on my thesis right now, before my wife and I move from Ottawa to Cardiff in September. I've got to finish what I've started too!


Ben Roebuck

Cameron said...

Ben, Mike, Mike, Ben...knowing (and liking) both of you I can confidentally say that you will like each other and should probably celebrate your mutural greatness with a trip to the pub (in September of course)