Tuesday, September 26, 2006

...the demonstration of the spirits power

Bishop Ricardo was awesome!
He did not come with theology or clever anecdotes but with the experiences of his life which themselves are a demonstration of Gods power.
It is impossible not to be inspired by the man.

But inspired to do what? Surely a fleeting emotional response is not enough. The power of the man's testimony allows me to feel the freshness of the holy spirit. But also his passion challenges my 'middle England' approach to Christianity.

Is it possible to have the passion without the bruises?

Dare I ask God to bring change?

It is heartening to hear the first hand accounts of miraculous healing. Normally it is easier to remain detached when reading reports of miracles from afar. But these accounts left me saying to myself over an' again "God is real!", "God is real!"


1 comment:

Ben said...

What a visit it was!! Hearing the Bishop speak, made me want to know the Holy Spirit more...desperately. I thought about how those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled, and how God is a rewarder of those to diligently seek him. For the past couple of months, I've been asking God to make me more hungry, and more desperate (poor in spirit) for His presence.

Good writing on this visit. It was great. Ben.