Thursday, December 02, 2004

...the office toilet

this is the one place where the toilet seat is left up by default. It's really irritating when someone has been in before and is too lazy to put it back up!. Something doesn't feel right about wee-ing in a toilet where someone has just done their 2's.
The office toilet is one of those special ones installed by the typical British workman. The distance from the seat to the tank is too small. So that the seat will not rest backwards against the tank. For a while the common practice was a kind of awkward stance with one hand holding the seat and the other the necessaries. The condition of the surrounding area was testament to the inefficiency of this method.
I proudly pioneered the 'seat under tank lid' technique. This has now been widely adopted by all in the office to the relieve of the office cleaner - who always leaves the seat down incidentally, but she is a girl -. As with all great ideas the original source of the inspiration has been lost in peoples minds. There goes another great invention!

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